Tech & Data

We are building tomorrow's aviation today by digitally pioneering. For this, we use the latest technological and data applications.

Explore the trade

From complex cybersecurity challenges to innovative UX projects: wherever you look within KLM, groundbreaking digital work is up for grabs. And it all contributes directly to tomorrow's aviation.

What it looks like

Agile working with other tech and data pros in a diverse and international environment - with plenty of room for your ideas and development. Pioneering has been in our DNA for over a century, so you can count on contributing directly to digital innovations.

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Explore the perks of working with us

More benefits
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If your position allows this: working from home and working from abroad for up to 8 weeks (EU and Caribbean)

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2% development budget to be spent freely

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Plenty of room for personal development and great career opportunities

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Substantial discount on airline tickets (if you have been employed for at least 6 months)

'Everyone who works here breathes cybersecurity’

At Air France-KLM, cybersecurity is high on the agenda. That is why we work with advanced tools. Would you like to join us as an analyst or engineer?

KLM colleague Baha

Smarter maintenance planning with AI

Pim and Daan helped develop LiMiTS: an AI tool making life easier not only for planners, but also for engineers.


Smart flight school thanks to PilotGPT

Studying to become a pilot will soon be much easier, thanks to PilotGPT.

KLM collega Bradley
Point of view
IT personnel

Great Job! Make a difference aboard with MyFlight

KLM has an app that gives crew the necessary information at hand before flight departure: MyFlight.

KLM professional
IT colleagues
Guy posing