Flight Operations

Hundreds of flights a day - that's quite an operation. At Flight Operations, we keep them safe and efficient 24/7.
Flight Operations works around the clock to keep our flights safe and efficient. We monitor hundreds of flights every day. In addition, we also prepare all of these flights, by among other things, by making sure our crew in the air has the right information. This is how we on the ground, together with our pilots at 10,000 metres, make a difference for our passengers.
Heart of our operation
Every day, we fly to hundreds of destinations worldwide. The meticulous preparation of all those flights is our job. From route and cockpit planning to crew training in our state-of-the art flight simulators, if you work at Flight Operations, your 'cockpit' is as advanced as that of our pilots. You enter a highly digitised environment, where we make decisions based on data, such as how to fly even more fuel efficiently.

Meet the Team
Hundreds of flights a day - that's quite an operation. At Flight Operations, we keep them safe and efficient 24/7.